Ant Control Toronto

Ant Removal in Toronto Ants are among the most common pest problems in the world. While you can try to get rid of ants on your own, but sometimes the ants quickly come back. The problem is, getting rid of the current ant infestation doesn't really get rid of the ants. If you are reading this, you have probably come to the conclusion you need to contact a professional pest control company. Sometimes, permanently eliminating an ant infestation requires expert knowledge. A professional exterminator can apply the right treatment to get rid of the species of ant infesting your home or business. In this article, we'll go over the different species of ant that can invade your home. We'll also discuss the preventive measures you can take to ensure ants do not return following your pest control treatment.

What are Pavement Ants ?Colour: Pale brown to black. Size: From 2.5 mm to 3 mm long. You'll typically find these small, dark ants building nests in the cracks of sidewalks and driveways. They'll also build their colonies under logs, rocks, and patios. But, they often find their way into your home. Pavement ants thrive on every type of food, from sweets to protein and fats. Sometimes, pavement ants have their nest outside and only creep inside to find food. Other times, they've built a nest inside an interior wall. Moreover, a pavement ant colony can be quite extensive, including more than one queen. It can take more than one professional treatment to completely get rid of these ants, we inspect the areas where ants have been seen to confirm activity. Please contact us for professional ant control for your home or business.

What are Carpenter Ants ?Carpenter ants vary in size and can be anywhere from 1/2 - 5/8 long, you'll find them infesting wooden window and door frames, and the wood framing of a structure. Outdoors, carpenter ants can damage wooden fences and decks. Often, these ants are mistaken for termites. But, unlike termites, carpenter ants don't eat wood, rather, they build tunnels and nests. Like other ants, carpenter ants feed on crumbs in your kitchen. These ants can access window and door frames from the outside. They can also get into the wood framing of a building by crawling through wiring and plumbing ducts. If carpenter ants are not exterminated, they can do significant damage to your property. They can build nests inside your walls, making it impossible for you to find them. Call us to speak with one of our experienced carpenter ant exterminators.

What are Pharaoh Ants ?Pharaoh ants are notorious indoor pests, these ants are tiny and are pale gold or light brown in color. They can become a serious problem since the colony has many queens and multiplies very quickly. Pharaoh ant nests can be very difficult to locate. These ants originate in the tropics but have spread all over the world. As tropical species, they thrive in the warm comfort of a home. They can't survive outside over the winter in warm climates and need a relatively humid environment. Pharaoh ants eat anything but especially love sweets. These are some of the most difficult species of ants to control since their nests are well-hidden behind your walls. Contact us immediately after identifying a pharaoh ant. While seeing few ants may seem harmless, the pest reproduces rapidly. Do not spray the ants, spraying typically worsens the problem.

Types of ants in CanadaCanada has over 100 species of ants, some of which are structure-damaging species and can take residence in or around your home. Some of the common structure-infesting ant species found in Canada include the black carpenter ant, pavement ant, pharaoh ant, odorous house ant, Argentine ant, and thief ant.

Appearance and identificationAnts are generally easy to recognise; their colour is usually black, dark brown, red, or tan. Depending on the species, their size can range from 1.5 mm to 13 mm in length. Like all insects, the body of an ant is divided in three distinct parts: head, thorax and abdomen. The thorax is joined to the abdomen by constricted petioles, also known as nodes. Depending on the species, some ants have a single node and others have two nodes. All ants have six legs, but only reproductive ants have wings.

Habitat, diet, lifecycleAnts are social insects that live in colonies with populations often reaching hundreds of thousands. Most ant colonies build nests in soil. Some species, like the carpenter ant, tunnel into wood to create nesting chambers. A typical ant colony consists of three distinct social castes: the queen, drones, and workers. Most colonies have one queen and a vast number of workers, but the colonies of some species can have multiple queens. The queens function is to lay eggs and control activities of the nest via pheromone communication. The most likely to be seen outside the nest during non-swarming season are the workers. The workers forage for food to carry back to the colony. Foraging often brings ants into the home, because they are attracted to nearly any food humans may leave out.

Do ants biteAnt species such as black carpenter ants can bite if provoked. Some ant species including European Fire ants sting and inject formic acid into the wound, hence a burning sensation at the site of the bite. The majority of Canadian ant species rarely inflict bites on humans.

Ants with wingsAnts with wings are reproductive swarmers that emerge from their nests during mating season. They have two pairs of functional wings used for mating and dispersal flights. After mating, the males die and the females shed their wings and look for a suitable place to start a new colony.

Problems caused by antsAnts can cause various problems depending on the species and the location of their nests. Some of the problems caused by ants are:

Structural damage: Carpenter ants can tunnel into wood and weaken its integrity. They prefer moist or decayed wood but can also damage sound wood.

Food contamination: Ants can contaminate food by crawling over it and leaving behind bacteria or chemicals. They can also spoil food by eating it or carrying it away.

Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to ant bites or stings and experience swelling, itching, or anaphylaxis. Ants can also trigger asthma attacks in some individuals.

Nuisance: Ants can be annoying and unsightly when they invade homes or other places where they are not wanted. They can also create unpleasant odours when they secrete defensive chemicals or when they die.

InfestationAn ant infestation occurs when ants establish a colony inside or near a home and start foraging for food and water sources. Signs of an ant infestation include:

Seeing live ants: This is the most obvious sign of an ant infestation. You may see ants crawling on your floors, walls, countertops, or furniture. You may also see them trailing along cracks or crevices where they enter or exit your home.

Seeing ant nests: Ant nests can be found in various places depending on the species. Carpenter ants usually nest in moist or decayed wood such as window frames, door frames, eaves, decks, or porches. Pavement ants usually nest under sidewalks, driveways, patios, or foundations. Pharaoh ants usually nest in wall voids, electrical outlets, or behind baseboards.

Seeing winged ants: Winged ants are reproductive swarmers that emerge from their nests during mating season. If you see winged ants inside your home, it means that you have an active ant colony nearby. You may also see discarded wings near windows or doors where the swarmers have exited.

Seeing ant trails: Ant trails are paths that ants follow to and from their food sources. They use pheromones to mark their trails and communicate with other ants. You may see ant trails on your floors, walls, countertops, or furniture.

Seeing ant droppings: Ant droppings are small pellets that ants leave behind as they digest their food. They can vary in colour and shape depending on the species and the type of food they eat. You may see ant droppings near their nests or along their trails.

Why do I have antsYou may have ants in your home because they are looking for food, water, or shelter. Ants are attracted to any food that humans may leave out, especially sugary or greasy foods. They can also find water sources from leaky pipes, faucets, or drains. Ants may also enter your home to escape from harsh weather conditions or predators. Some factors that can increase the likelihood of having ants in your home are:

Poor sanitation: Leaving food crumbs, spills, or garbage uncleaned can attract ants to your home. You should always wipe down your surfaces, store your food in sealed containers, and dispose of your trash regularly.

Moisture problems: Having excess moisture in your home can create favourable conditions for ants to nest and breed. You should fix any leaks, drips, or condensation issues in your home and keep your wood dry and well-ventilated.

Cracks and gaps: Having cracks and gaps in your walls, floors, doors, or windows can provide entry points for ants to invade your home. You should seal any cracks and gaps with caulk or other materials and install weather stripping or screens on your doors and windows.

How can I prevent ants invading There are some steps that you can take to prevent ants from invading your home. Some of the preventive measures are:

Keep your home clean: As mentioned above, keeping your home clean and free of food crumbs, spills, or garbage can deter ants from entering your home. You should also vacuum your floors regularly and wash your dishes after every meal.

Eliminate water sources: As mentioned above, eliminating water sources from leaky pipes, faucets, or drains can reduce the moisture levels in your home and make it less attractive for ants to nest and breed. You should also check your gutters, downspouts, and roof for any water damage or leaks.

Remove potential nesting sites: As mentioned above, removing potential nesting sites such as moist or decayed wood can prevent carpenter ants from tunneling into your home. You should also trim any branches or plants that touch your home and remove any piles of wood, leaves, or debris from your yard.

Use ant repellents: You can use natural or chemical ant repellents to discourage ants from entering your home. Some natural ant repellents include vinegar, lemon juice, cinnamon, peppermint oil, or coffee grounds. You can spray or sprinkle these substances around the areas where you see ants or their trails. Some chemical ant repellents include diatomaceous earth, boric acid, or insecticide sprays. You can apply these substances along the cracks and gaps where ants enter or exit your home.

How worried should I be about antsAnts are generally not harmful to humans unless they bite or sting. However, some species of ants can cause structural damage to your home or contaminate your food. Therefore, you should be concerned about ants if you see signs of an infestation in your home. You should try to identify the species of ant you are dealing with and use appropriate methods to control them. If you cannot handle the problem yourself, you should contact a professional pest control service for assistance.

Contact the Best Ant ExterminatorMost serious ant infestations need the services of a professional pest control company. Professional ant exterminators have the know-how and the latest treatments to get rid of ants permanently. For example, a professional has the expertise to find nests inside and outside of the home. Your ants could be sneaking in from a nest outside in a tree, under a fence, and under the ground.

If you find ants swarming over the food in your cabinets and crawling all over your countertops, call a professional. In the meantime, clean your kitchen and store all of your food in air-tight containers. Once the exterminator arrives, they'll use chemicals or gel that are harmless to you, your family, and your pets. They may also spray around the outside of your home, and look for any entry points the ants are using. They'll also look for ant nests outside, and treat those too.

Be aware, it will probably take more than one treatment to completely eliminate an ant colony. This is especially true of pavement and Pharaoh ants that have more than one queen and breed quickly. It's always possible that a few ants survive the first treatment, and will continue to breed.

Hopefully, you now can identify the type of ant in your home, and you understand how to prevent and get rid of ants. Ants can be persistent, so if you haven't done so already, contact us to schedule a treatment to get rid of your ant problem.

When to call a ant exterminator ?The best is to call us as soon as possible. We service the Greater Toronto Area, call us now 647 849 4441

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